• STS - Universiti Malaya
  • ketua_saintek@um.edu.my
  • +0379674166

Message from Head of Department

Welcome to the Department of Science and Technology Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya.

The Department was established in 1997 with the main mission to provide the science students with an interdisciplinary mixture of knowledge in science, policy, management, philosophy, humanity and ethics. With the spirit of “Humanising Science”, the department aims to produce graduates who are capable to perceive science in a humane and holistic manner, as well as skills to formulate policies towards that end.

Based on this primary focus, the Department conducted an undergraduate programme in the field of Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology Studies (Remark: Please note that the undergraduate program is no longer offered by the Department), and two masters programme by coursework in the field of Master of Sustainability Science, and Science Communication and Public Engagement. Postgraduate students are also encouraged to undertake various research projects in related to Science and Technology Studies under our research mode programmes at postgraduate level (i.e. Masters and PhD).

Our academic programmes prepare students for careers that address the broader understanding with the necessary resources to face a challenging working environment after graduation. Our graduates have pursued careers in the field that require knowledge and skills on policy and planning (e.g.  strategic planning; research management, product development, programme manager, etc.)

Our staffs have excellent record in research and publication in the fields related to public policy studies, innovation and management, sociology and social studies of science and technology, history and philosophy of science, ethics, science and values, science and religion, sustainable development, inclusive development, etc. We forge a multi-disciplinary perspective on science and technology, which is holistic but equally pragmatic.

Please contact us if we can help further in providing you with more information on our academic programmes and research.

Thank you.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ng Boon Kwee
Head of Department

Last Update: 06/12/2024